Thursday, November 19, 2009

Recipes and Rings

Because I accidentally volunteered to bake for the work bake sale (and yes it HAS to be home made not even from a box and heated or anything!) I have decided to share with all my fellow non-bakers some easy recipes I found, just in case you accidentally offered to bring something to Thanksgiving :-)

Fudge Pie is crust-less so all you have to do is mix a couple ingredients, pour into a pan, and let the oven do the rest!

Fudgy Mocha-Toffee Brownies mix my 2 favorite things: coffee and chocolate... PLUS the recipe is from so feel free to indulge!

Chocolate-Peanut Bars have a quick shopping list!

(sorry these are all chocolate, but anything fruity requires meringue or a crust of some sort and as I have mentioned before... I am not very talented in the kitchen)

And because once we all gain 3-6 pounds on Thanksgiving, Christmas is just around the corner so Christmas shopping gets to double as our cardio workout (unless we do it online... on the couch... while eating) :-)

My roommate sent me the link to James Avery and I have been on the site all afternoon:
For Mom
For a sister - also comes in a ring I love
For a best friend
For ME :-)

I guess all I want right now is chocolate and jewlery...

1 comment:

  1. I so know that I gain 3-6 pounds around this time, and I don't have anywhere to put it! Haha I was so little before Thanksgiving last year. :(


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